Oct 18, 2008

Amphetamine time

~~                                     ~~

Yes, this post is starting with a blank line and it has a very very frustrating reason which I guess, everyone who writes a blog, would be knowing. It's a ~what happens on a first post syndrome~.
Yes, you get blank on what to write.
So, here, this first blank line indicates my current state of mind.

Why is it so difficult to initiate things ?
Why is it so difficult to start up with something what you actually WANT to do.

Why... ?? 

Yeah, you don't want to get out of the routine~monotonous life, or that is something new to you, or you're not confident enough because you haven't done that before, or simply because you're lazy. Well, excluding the latter probability, since I badly want to start this, I'm not sure what problem exactly I'm facing. Sigh !

And why amphetamine~time? Well, Amphetamine* increases your dopa level and gives you a terrific kick to do wonders. So here I need it to boost up my unexplored~funny or silly~happysad~stupidmature~blah blah~writing skills. Mentioning it instead of other well-known drugs is due to my partiality towards it. Few years back, my colleagues used to call me amphetamine~addict because of my high energy drive. :) 

Hundreds and millions of thoughts pass by in a single day. There are times when you badly want to sleep or you're dying to concentrate on some work, but these thoughts~conversations will kill you and won't let you do what you really want to. And when you finally give up and chase them, they just disappear in the air. That's a real tragedy.

Having thought of writing something, I came up with the blog. Wow, it's my blog, so where to start from. And what will it be about?? My mind had just been waiting for this question, and before I could do umm... it started competing with a google search machine and came up with hundreds of pages of topics !! Sigh sigh !!

Movies, politics, music, philosophy, psychology, technology, education, art, business, health, happiness, lifestyle, fashion, economy, ecology, family, finance, guns, government, money, nature, pollution, real estate, recreation, fun, sex, love, life, animals, birds, men, women,
abcdefg blah blah blah blah blah.....

Some themes were highly inflammable
Some weren't eligible to be ~my type~
Having seen me, some were mesmerized, some cried,
While others already had enough of hype.

Some ~ow maah gawd~ were beyond the reach of mine.
Others were like a stigma for me at a time.
So starting up with ~what naturally comes~ looked fine.
I'm so glad, this poem actually does rhyme.

In fact, I was going to write an ~article kinda stuff~ for my first post, but ended up writing a poem. And then when I was finally determined to write anything~everything, even at a cost of getting on reader's nerve, I came up with this post.

I'm just hoping I can do better (read~sensible) next time. 

It's The phoenix and her changes ~~
Phew ~

(*Amphetamine ~ This drug can be highly abusive and has severe side effects, its mention here is purely for fun. Do not opt for it without prescription, please)

1 comment:

Gubbi said...

Good topic for the first post. Also good choice of pictures. Hope your urge to write will find a good outlet and audience here. Welcome to the blogosphere !!