Jan 10, 2009

Something anything

It's been long.

Blog looks dry and wrinkled and fat with lost appetite. That's probably hypothyroidism.

And seems I'm suffering from hyperthyroidism aka thyrotoxicosis. I eat much but I cant put on even if i try hard. My heart rate is always more than 96 per minute. That puts me in mild category though. I've got hand tremors on stretching them in front of my body for more than 15 second. Having put a paper on out stretched hands, the paper shakes terribly. And after torturing my tongue for apprx 2 minutes, it also started showing tremors. So I'm pretty much convinced of getting the disease. One more investigation to go. Great. Hey but my hands dun feel moist given any time of the day. Umm... You dun necessarily have to get all the features, come on.

I suddenly remembered my fav actor - Ashton kutcher. He looks great. He makes me feel ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

But then he is married now. ~~~~~~ Lemme stop thinking about him. The couple looks happy together. Stay happy. 

Ashton and Demi

Now lemme mention Meg ryan, too. She's in the list of fav actresses. These people increases the face value of the blog :P

And then I remember, I didn't post the pics of hypothyroid and hyperthyroid state :P But I'll spare you from that.

I'm still left with surgery, paediatrics and OG practicals. And way too tired of studying. It's too much of pressure. And however hard you may try, things never end. Whatever. Still two more months to go before I get out of this MBBS crap. Oh, did I call it a crap? That's my profession. How can I? But I already did. Why are you reading all these? It's such a nonsense. But then most of the people write 'dot dot dot, you know what'. So it's ok. Keep reading.

Ever noticed how many of your eye lashes shed in a day? I did. And it was more than 10. 

Do you get dandruff and pimples during stress? Or is it my pickle and papad eating habits?

Ever faced a situation when you sleep at 12 at night with alarm intending to go off at 5 and then at 2 in mid night you find yourself brushing your teeth, because you think that you're too late for the studies. And after getting out from the bathroom, you again realise that 3 more hours are left to sleep, so you go back to sleep - peacefully?? Needless to mention, you don't brush up your teeth again on wakin up at 5, specially if you're a medical student. You're allowed to skip that by default.

something anything

Well, I didn't plan to write any post. But since the blog was missing me, I was planning to write something anything. So I searched for something anything in I'm feeling lucky section and it led me to this video. I feel same like the white shirtED guy, staring at my books for long, and when the pressure builds up, I go crazy and let all the energy out studying. It sucks saying that I let all my energy out STUDYING. Can't I have something better in life? How can people like studying? I've got people around me who ENJOYS studies. I just wish I knew the formula. Do I sound frustrated? Are these same all lines that plenty of frustrated people have used so far? Thank God, I'm normal.

Chao leaving then. Won't bug you much. Take care. Tada.


Anonymous said...

I think you too have exam phobia.during exams i sleep without turning off and keep the book with me.strangely i keep thinking about topics in my sleep and if have any doubt then i read it immediately.:) strange?i dunno.:)

And i love meg ryan too.she's so cute.there was a time when my room was having too many posters of her.but this phase fades away with time.but i still adore her.

anyways good to see ur blog blooming again.Nice Video and Pics as always.

And "All the very best" fr the xams.:)

broca's area said...

2 more months for finals??...mine is going on just obg left!!...

all the best

u have examtoxicosis not thyrotoxicosis!!..lol]

Scarlet said...

I have hypothyroidism. Not fun, but what can you do?

I know you need a break. Come visit me; I'll pour you tea, wine, whatever and we can stare at photos of Ashton Kutcher without Demi. ;)

Honestly, I get what you're saying. I remember the endless nights of studying and then the reward at the end. There's a light at the end of all this; it will get better.

Phoenix said...

@scrappy coco
Wat?? ur a fan of adam sandler or wht?? thanks for droppin by

yea.. m out of tht thyrotoxicosis nw :)
it was mere examotoxicosis..

I'm sorry to hear tht.. but hey, takin thyroxin daily wd be fun ;) jss kiddin... thats ok honey.. many females get tht.. quite common...
about studies.. i dun think i even deserve commentin over it... jss imagine the level of guilt i m sufferin frm... aah