Nov 1, 2008

Blogo-Scribo-Confusio Syndrome

It is a condition where, it becomes extremely difficult and awful to write a post, irrespective of the number of previously written posts.

Primary - When the person doesn't know what to write.
Secondary - When he is not sure whether he should write or not.

(She is currently suffering from secondary blogo-scribo-confusio syndrome - well, someone may want to know.)

Clinical Features :
Primary syndrome - This is the link to read the article.
Secondary syndrome -
1. For everytime the patient starts writing, it makes him feel that the topic has already been discussed/written hundreds of times, people already know those things, then why to bother them by hammering with all the same-old things ??
2. The patient feels that none is really interested in reading what he writes.
3. Even if someone comments, he starts suspecting their intentions - especially when the reader also has a blog.
4. The pt. feels that people write better than he does, and writing the way he does would make him look like a fool.
5. He doesnt get the satisfaction level - and feels as if he is writing just for the sake of writing.
5. And that discourages him like hell.
6. He ends up only thinking about things, and not even TRYING to write.
7. It sometimes leads to frustration as well.
8. In few cases, psychiatric problems are encountered.
9. Death is rare.

Investigations : (I desperately want to write - all routine investigations : BT, CT, Blood grouping, Hb estimation, CBC- any medico would understand this in a one click :) )
1. X-ray skull - check out if the brain is present or not. 
2. CT Scan and MRI preferable to check brain condition.
3. RPCT (Rude People Comment Test) - Ask certain of the most genuine n harsh people about how they find his posts.
4. Satisfaction hormone level - Check out the level of satisfaction.
5. Content test - It measures the quality of your writing, value of the content -  not much important when concerned with blogs, esp. those written on free blog sites.

People are categorised in two - genuine writers and xyz writers.
Accordingly, two types of treatment are suggested- Beneficial and Psychological.

Beneficial treatment is for xyz writers. They are explained and taught pricinples given below.
1. Earning from advertisements on blogs.
2. For a narcissist patient - tremendous praising and admiration from any-every-whatsoever kind of people, and continuous agreement of some fools irrespective of what he writes.
3. Humanly satisfaction of being a writer.
4. If the patient is more into making relationships and contacts and friends, this is a good platform for such completely free people.
5. He can get all the frustration out - he can curse anyone, blame anyone, without being caught by choosing to be anonymous.
6. If none listens to him in real life, this is a good way to make people listen to what he says. Because whenever someone enters his blog for the first time, won't realise its worth before Reading third post. so the reader will read minimum 3 of his posts before exiting. Not a bad deal.

Psychological treatment - This is for genuine writers. Explain and teach the principles below.
1. The topic ain't that important, but the way he presents it is. His perspective, his narration, his vision and his correlation. It's all about how he sees the world as. This thing makes his post different and unique. And no single person in the world must have thought and combined all the things the way he must have. 
2. It can be his love for writing. Then he doesn't need a reason to write. Be it good or bad, He enjoys it, that's what matters most.
3. When he writes things, he has to get very precise. That makes his thoughts and beliefs firmer, his doubts get cleared, and its also about getting new vision.
4. He gets to brush up his brain.
5. People may be knowing all things, but they don't think of all things daily. So while reading his blog, they may get something which they need in their current lives. Even such indirect helps count.
6. People may clarify their doubts, get a new vision and perspective.
7. It may give the patient sense of sharing, sense of bonding and some emotional relief - especially in today's stressful era.
8. Take a break. This phase will get over and new ideas will start flowing again. (Courtesy - ps and broca)

Prognosis :
If treated early, such patients can have 100% survival rate on blogosphere. However, any delay in cure or further discouragement may aggravate the condition, and can be fatal for the blog's existence.


Preeti Shenoy said...

And some people just find a very simple solution.
They take break!

Gubbi said...

Good Doc!! You've got a treatment for both xyz and genuine types. And many at that. :)

Nice way to create the concept of Blogo-Scribo-Confusio Syndrome".

Since I can't criticize and need to *chill*, I'll stop here. :)

Great to see ps reading your blog. :)

Gubbi said...

Where are the replies?

Here I go.... with my criticism. :D

Gubbi said...

Yeah. Of course. I'm a PS fan. :)
Hi PS, You Rock !!

broca's area said...

what a syndrome!!..

simple treatment is just conservative...take a brk...!..

or else just pour down ur really works!!:)

broca's area said...

liked ur blog..blogrolling u:)

Phoenix said...

broca :
conservative rx is fine but you gotta think for all pts. neway thanks for blogrolling.

Meira said...

This sounds scary :P
Blog hopped from PS

Phoenix said...

meira : i swear i tried to make it funny. :P cheers

the stygian sailor said...

secondary types are treated a=easily, by treating the cause. if hesitation is the cause as in to write or not to write, WRITE.
but primary on the other hand, has no known cause- IDIOPATHIC; in other words, we are so idiotic and pathetic that we cant even cook up a cause for not being able to write. but there is a cure for that.
don't write but keep the blog active by posting you tube videos or facebook quizzes.

Phoenix said...

sailor : i agree :)